Heeeeeeeeello NLYM!
So HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you while school has started for the most of us. There's CNY to look forward to and welcome in the Rat Year.
What's so special about this post? Well, the photos on Sat were the courtesy of Bro. Darren Ling, who came down and snapped away with his Canon camera. He blasted away and here are some of his shots will be shown here. In the future, in the interest of updating the blog, Darren would be taking photos and I would find time to update it over in the US. Hopefully it turns out well...
Saturday Youth Fellowship (5th Jan 2007)
Our very own PIT spoke from the music stand on the plagues God brought upon Egypt that led to the exodus of the Israelites. Although the plagues were different from one another, they shared common differences that have serious implications for us. Do you remember them?
1. God is sovereign: are we serving Him?
2. God's power is unlimited: have we submitted to Him?
3. God controls the hearts of the wicked: what would God have said about you?
4. So what if God is sovereign? When we rebel, can people still see God's sovereignty in us?
Knowing God is sovereign is not enough: ultimately have to let God be sovereign in our lives.
And let's move into the photos...
Man U fans: Nizam and Daryl.
SM and Sunny having a pre-service chat.
Cheerful Tim, with the Superband-of-the-Day: Zi Jing, Ki Hui and Dingyan.
Filling the Bridge with songs of worship to God.
Are you passionate for God?
Vincent and the band.
A Handsome Duo: Nathan and Zhongyang.
Flipping to Exodus 7: guess who has that hairstyle...
Vinzzz with a pretty important announcement: change of Sat Service from every week to once a month.
And a rainy end to the service...
Sunday Service (6th Jan 2008)
On the first Sunday of 2008, quite a lot was going on in NLC. Before the combined service, a LDC dedication service was held in the Teochew Worship hall, where Rev Choo shared on the importance of learning from God's Word, especially the need to ask questions in our lessons. Also, awards were given out to those who achieved 100% attendance for their LDC classes, and may they serve as examples for the rest!
Right after that, the main sanctuary welcomed everyone for the first combined combined service of 2008. Senior Pastor shared his message, titled 'Life is Beautiful - A New Year A New Hope', and spoke on the direction NLC will be taking for 2008. Still remember the proclamations we made in the hall?
1. I believe God's promise is demostrated through the church.
2. I believe the pastoral team iis sent by God to shepherd us.
3. I am God's equipped disciple. I believe God wants to use me.
4. Together with others, I want to build a united church.
And now for the photos!
Rev Choo and Elder Lee on stage for the LDC service.
Our 100% Attendance Awardees!
Jeremy having a laugh with Mei Yan Jie, as Darren makes a face.
The choir filling the sanctuary with song:
With the worship team accompanying them...
Not to forget the instruments!
And Johan with the drums.
Wai Kar and Shumei doing us a great service.
The PA team making sure the service goes smoothly.
Teochew interpretation in action:
Rev Dr Lee and Dn Lisa up on stage for the sermon.
Rev Choo and Elder Ling up to lead us in the Holy Communion.
The bread and the wine is passed out.
Collection of the Love Offering.
Elder Ling with the announcements...and has the church direction booklet in hand for this shot.
Young eyes look upon Mrs. Tang as she plays on the organ...
And that spells the end of this entry! Hope the photos were all right, and if you have any suggestions, please contact me. So here are the URLs for the albums on Facebook.
Sunday Service Part 1: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=81439&l=9c957&id=752230524
Sunday Service Part 2: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=81441&l=c2237&id=752230524
Sunday Service Part 3: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=81447&l=a519e&id=752230524
Thanks for looking through these photos, and see all of you guys and girls soon!